Sunday, January 29, 2017

Ram Nagar Palace, Jammu and Kashmir,India

Ramnagar palaces were constructed by the Bandral lords but they were renovated and constructed by Raja (King) Suchet Singh, Where he used to reside and also a fort on the chaugan which was held by a garrison. On his death in Lahore in 1844A.D. his ranis became sati, and the spot was marked by a garden. As he died issueless the jagir reverted to Jammu. At a later time it was granted as a Chief to Raja (King) Ram Singh, second son of MahaRaja (King) Ranbir Singh, and on his demise without the male heir, it again became merged in the Jammu state. The paintings of the palaces demonstrate that Raja (King) Suchet Singh like Raja (King) Sanasar Chand II of Kangra was a connoisseur of Bandral School of pahari paintings. The wall- paintings of the palaces reveal the socio-cultural, religious, political and economic history of the areas. Moreover, paintings depict the military achievement of the Raja (King) Suchet Singh and his lifestyle.

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