Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Ancient Places of Ramnagar

Ramnagar Palace

Ancient Palace,  Ramnagar
The Palace complex at Ramnagar comprises of Shish Mahal , Purana Mahal and Nawa Mahal which are close to each other . These Mahals are located on the slopes of the Ramnagar Hill presenting a vista of the valley. The access to the palace is obtained by stairway with retaining walls on its sites.
Purana Mahal (Old Palace), Ramnagar, District Udhampur
Built by Raja Suchet Singh, the Purana Mahal consists of a complex of rooms rising to three storeys having high walls with watchtowers at regular intervals. The walls of the rooms are decorated with stucco work and painted with floral designs. The wooden members of the ceiling are also profusely decorated. The corners of the roofs have projections in the shape of lotus flowers. 

Nawa Mahal, Ramnagar, District Udhampur:
It was built by Raja Ram Singh, son of Raja Ranbir Singh. The complex has open courtyards surrounded by rooms with two entrances facing each other in opposite wings. The outer walls are high and are duly supported by buttresses. The rooms has false wooden ceiling and the interior walls are decorated with floral designs. 

Sheesh Mahal, Ramnagar, Distt. Udhampur:
Built during the resign of Raja Ram Singh, it comprises two forecourts having burjis at the corners. Behind these are halls and rooms flanked on either side of the central passage. To the right of the entrance is Dewan-e-aam with rooms at its back. To the left of entrance are Darbar Hall, Sheesh Mahal and Rang Mahal respectively. All the rooms have paintings and Darbar Hall has murals showing influence of Pahari School. Themes from Ramayana, Bhagawata and other Puranas, court and battle scenes connected with Raja Suchet Singh are also depicted in the paintings besides some lithographs of later period. The walls of Sheesh Mahal are decorated with mirrors and mural paintings of Nayikas, Raginis, Adjoining the Sheesh Mahal walls of Rang Mahal panels depicting hunting and court scenes, Krishna-Lila scenes etc. 

Ancient Fort, Ramnagar, Dist. Udhampur:
The ancient fort is square on plan with polygonal bastions to support its four corners. The fortifications wall and the bastions are high and rise to three storeys crowned with battlements and merinos. Around the central courtyard inside, there are cells and vaulted chambers where cannon balls are stored. There are images of Ganesa, Durga and Hanuman in the gateway. The fort is surmounted by a moat externally and the access to it is gained through a narrow bridge across the moat on the southeastern side. 

 Samadhi of Queen of Raja Suchet Singh, Ramnagar, District Udhampur:The Samadhi was built by Raja Ranbir Singh on the spot where Rani performed sati after the death of Raja Suchet Singh in 1844 A.D. The structure is erected on a raised platform enclosed with ambulatory passage, the roof of which is domical in shape. The inner walls of the Samadhi are decorated with paintings. On either side of the entrance there are rooms. The façade is decorated with ornamental plaster whereas the interior of the walls of the rooms are plain.

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