About Ramnagar

The capital of erstwhile state of bandralta was situated at the latitude of 32degree-48’ and longitude of 75degree - 48’ from sea level and about 105 kms from Jammu and 38kms on west by Udhampur, towards to Dhar Road, to the south of Chanehni and it was bounded on the east by Bhadrawah, on the south by Mankot or open space on the left bank of the Ramnagar kad and junction with the Tawi. Between the tawi and Ramnagar in particular, they dip usually out an angle of about 45 degree with a steep abutment on the north. The capital was originally called nagar,as being the only town in the principality. And the ruling family took their dynasty of Bandralta from the name of the tract. It was founded by the royal family of Chamba belong to the chand dynasty about 1000-1020A.D. The vansavali contains only twenty-one names down to the extinction of the state in 1822, giving an average of nearly forty years to each, which is very improbably. We must, therefore, conclude that many names have been omitted in copying. During the same period, there are thirty names in the Chamba roll of Raja (King)s.
 It is said a tradition of a Tahuraian period in ancient times, and much the same reason is given for the invasion of the tact as in the case of other states, viz, tyranny and oppression of their subject by the ranas and Thakurs. As a result, some of the Zamindars went to Chamba to ask help. Vichittar verma(980-1000A.D) was then in power and unable to go himself he sent his younger brother, who vanquished the ranas and made himself ruler. A tradition is current which throws light on the methods employed to get rid of troublesome opponents. It is to the effect that the Raja (King) and the local Rana both availed themselves of the services of the some Baber who was bribed to cut the Rana’s the throat while shaving him. In this way a powerful rival was removed. Seventy-two petty chiefs are said to have been overcome by one means or another and the Raja (King) then assumed the name Bahattar to mark the fact.
Origin of Ram Nagar
Origin of Ram Nagar with the rise of the Sikh power in the Punjab, Ram Nagar fell into the hands of the Sikh forces in 1822 A.D, thus, the Bandral dynasty was ended. The hill state was bestowed upon Raja (King) Suchet Singh, brother of Gulab Singh by Ranjit Singh, the tract was made over to him in jagir. The ancient line was then deposed but allowed to remain for a time. This, however, was soon found to be awkward , as an attempt made to recover the territory, and they were finally exiled from the State. They first retired to Kangra, where they resided for some time under the protection of Raja (King) Sansar Chand, but afterward went of tehri- Garwal and finally settled at Shahzadpur in the Ambala district. The last Raja (King) to exercise ruling power was Bhupendhar dev who died at Shahzadpur. He had been assigned a pension of Rs.3000 by government , which is still paid to the family. Raja (King) Suchet Singh took much interest in ramnagar, became the ruler of Bandralta from 1822. A.D to 1844 A.D .i.e more than a score of years , who renamed Bandralta as Ramnagar

Research Study of Chander Bhushan
Student of MBA - Tourism Central University of Jammu
